Personal Cloud to Replace Personal Computer by 2014

The world’s leading information technology research and advisory company, Gartner says the Personal Cloud will replace the Personal Computer as the center of users’ digital lives by 2014. As PC sales continue to decline, and corporations are allowing employees to B.Y.O.D (Bring your own device, more emphasis is being placed on the Cloud than ever before.

“Major trends in client computing have shifted the market away from a focus on personal computers to a broader device perspective that includes smartphones, tablets and other consumer devices,” said Steve Kleynhans, research vice president at Gartner. “Emerging cloud services will become the glue that connects the web of devices that users choose to access during the different aspects of their daily life.”

With the post-PC era just around the corner, isn’t time you start looking into the cloud and what it can offer you? Nine Virtual Technologies founding partners have been using the cloud as a PC replacement since the early 2000’s. They have the expertise and experience to make your transition to the cloud a pleasant and affordable experience.

Contact your Account Representative today to see how Nine Virtual Technologies vOffice can save your small business or non-profit up to 53% a year in IT support.


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